Easter at Old Fort

We look forward to celebrating our risen Saviour this Easter!

After Jesus died on the cross, most thought it was the end. But the best was yet to come. When the sun rose 3 days later Jesus’ followers heard the good news: "He is not here. He is risen.” 2000 years later those words still bring hope. Come celebrate Christ in his risen glory.  Join us Easter Sunday service to discover how the resurrection brings us victory.

Palm Sunday Worship Service | April 13 | 9:30am

Join us for Palm Sunday service at 9:30am on campus. We will celebrate the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. 

Family Egg Hunt | April 13 | 4:30 pm | Worship Center Lobby

Join us for the Palm Sunday Celebration for the family.  We'll have an egg hunt, craft and snacks for children up to 5th grade. 

Easter Musical | April 13 | 6:00 pm | Ministry Center Building

The multi-generation choir will present the Easter Musical - By His Stripes We Are Healed.  

Not one of us can imagine what happened that day at the cross. For all the times we’ve read the story in the Bible, all the paintings we’ve ever seen, all the dramatizations we’ve ever watched, we still are left with only inadequate glimpses of what Jesus endured for us.  This is how we remember and honor His sacrifice on the cross. We never forget the price He paid to redeem us by retelling this message of love and grace again.

Child care is available for children ages birth to 4 years old. 

Maundy Thursday Communion Service | April 17 |  7:00 pm 

This service is a meaningful and sobering prelude to the Easter weekend. We will focus on the Lord’s Supper and what happened the night before Jesus was crucified.  It will help remind us of what it cost God to save us.

Easter Sunday Service
Join us Easter Sunday at 9:30am on campus or livestreaming.

11:00 AM small group Bible Study

Child care available for children ages birth to 3 years old.
