Business Meeting - August 25, 2024

A covenant member business meeting was held on Sunday, August 25, 2024.

by Jason Taylor on September 04, 2024

August 25, 2024

Dr. Hal West (transitional pastor & moderator) called the church to order at 10:40am.

Guy Lacoss (elder) presented a proposal from the elders and stewardship team for the church to secure a line of credit for the purpose of capital spending and weekly operational needs (if necessary).

Mike Montei (stewardship team chairman) explained the main reasons for the proposal: giving as been low, we are under budget by $160,000 YTD, the worship center HVAC system is on borrowed time and needs replacing, other capital expenses.

There was discussion.

Tom Tremaine then made a motion to postpone the vote by one (1) week and challenged the congregation to pray and seek God on the matter.  There was a second.

Immediately, Crystal Perry made a motion to amend Tom’s motion.  Her motion was to postpone the vote by one (1) month, rather than one (1) week for the same reasons.  There was a second.

With no more discussion Dr. West called for the vote.

By a show of hands the church voted 62-28 to postpone the vote by one (1) month with the express purpose of the congregation seeking God in prayer on the matter.

On September 22, 2024 the church will be called to order to vote on the proposal by the elders and stewardship team to secure a line of credit.

The meeting was adjourned by Dr. West at 11:45am

Tags: budget, business meeting

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