Through the direction of Eric and Patti Lethco, OFBC has helped brothers and sisters in Tanzania build 3 schools and train up leaders and pastors since 2022.Over these last few years, these missions and discipleship efforts in Tanzania have developed into the Maasai Pastors Project (MPP). Prayerfully consider how God would move you to sponsor one of the student leaders and pastors in Tanzania. Your 2-year, $20 a month commitment would cover full tuition, books, lodging, and food for a student to complete their program.
Your generous contribution would help students and teachers to have the resources to complete discipleship and pastor training. Students meet every month for one full week of training. Currently, we have 70 students enrolled over our 3 schools located in Longido, Ketumbeine, and Gelai.
Thank you for your support and prayers for these students and teachers!