
Transformative and inspiring teaching from God's Word.

Shepherding Teens (11/27/16)

Nov 22, 2016

Shepherding Teens (11/27/16)

Series: Ignite: The Parent Piece (Shepherding a Child's Heart)


In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God clearly addresses His intentions for parents. Parents are to incorporate God into the daily rhythms of life such as meal time, bed time, travel time; in how they communicate, discipline and love. As the greatest influencers in a child's life - parents are to impress the truths of God onto their children. God is also clear on His intentions for the Church; that the Church is to make disciples. Ignite: The Parent Piece - is designed to help equip our parents. We want to ignite a passion for Jesus Christ into the hearts of our kids and then help our parents learn how to fan that flame. Each week parents will come together for a time of Bible study and given the opportunity to see what scripture says on how we should be parenting.


What is the best way to connect with your teen

and make sure that they understand Biblical principles. While they

will make their own decision to follow the Lord or not, we can make

an impact on them and communicate Godly principles. We will discuss

this today in session 12.

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