DisciplesHIP Pathway

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:19-20)

Disciples Pathway

Our desire at OFBC is to see a church who is making disciples. What is your next step on the discipleship pathway?

The discipleship pathway we use at OFBC is based on the model of Jesus' earthly ministry: "We worship together weekly as a congregation. Just as Jesus led the 120. We gather in biblical community, just as Jesus gathered with the twelve disciples. We meet in groups of three to five, just as Jesus did with Peter, James, and John for another level of accountability and exponential spiritual growth. And finally, we minister to and reach the crowds through missions and service locally, regionally, and globally just as Jesus ministered to the crowds." (Gallaty & Swain, Replicate p. 120)

We'd like to challenge each of our members to have a healthy balance of discipleship relationships within each area of the pathway. If all our time and resources are in one space, we should consider reducing, moving, or adding to other areas where we can grow as disciples. Still have questions about Discipleship at OFBC? Contact Pastor Charles McCallum

Associate Pastor of Discipleship

Discipleship groups (d-groups)

What are D-groups?

D-groups are smaller, gender-specific groups of 3-5 who are striving and committing to a 12-18 month season of accelerated spiritual transformation with the purpose of multiplication, accountability, and spiritual growth. 

Why are D-groups important?

At OFBC, we desire to see believers become Christ-like disciple-makers. We believe the best way we can do this as a covenant body of believers is through these smaller core groups where mentorship and authentic, transparent accountability can occur. D-groups follow Jesus' model for ministry, and are one way to see exponential growth in your spiritual life.

What happens in a D-group?

During the week, members of D-groups will strive to grow in the spiritual disciplines of daily Bible reading, H.E.A.R. journaling, scripture memory, accountability and prayer. Weekly meetings are a focused time of prayer, conversation, and accountability.

Ready to join or start a D-group?

Great! We're excited for you to take this next step on the discipleship pathway. D-groups are a great place for disciples to become disciple-makers. It does require a commitment. So, we ask that you are: Faithful, Available, Intentional, Teachable, and Humble.

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D-Group Expectations

We will train in godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-8) by weekly committing to the five disciplines:

  • Accountability
  • Bible Reading
  • H.E.A.R. Journaling
  • Prayer
  • Scripture Memory

We will rely on the Holy Spirit and God's Word to guide us through the process (2 Tim. 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12). Though we commit to the disciplines outlined above, it is not our effort that changes us, but the Holy Spirit through His Word. The disciplines provide room in our lives for God to work.

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The MARCS of a healthy discipleship group are guideposts for determining the health of your discipleship ministry and discipling relationships:


What is a H.E.A.R. Journal?

Put simply, H.E.A.R. Journaling is a way to help you read the Bible with the intention of applying it. 

Our main focus with H.E.A.R. journaling is to read, understand, and respond to God's Word. By asking four simple question, you can understand and apply any passage. In addition, journaling is a great discipline because it helps you retain three times more of what you read.

  • H (Highlight): What is a verse(s) that stood out to you in your reading?
  • E (Explain): What is the author's intended meaning in the context of the passage?
  • A (Apply): What is the principle to live by today?
  • R (Respond): How will I respond to the application in my relationships and/or situations this week?

More Info

ready to replicate!

D-Groups and H.E.A.R. Journaling are a part of a method developed by Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain. If you are interested in learning more about 'Replicate', we offer a class on Discipleship. Check our Equip page for availability.

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