Women's Retreat

The OFBC Women are heading to the beach for a fall retreat October 25-27, 2024.

by Kimberly McAlhaney on June 12, 2024

Breathe and Refresh

The OFBC Women are heading to the beach for a fall retreat October 25-27, 2024.

Claire Darnell with Breathe Ministries will be hosting our retreat. Breathe Ministry is an acronym for, “Be Real Everyday And Trust Him with Everything!” Matthew 11:28-29 is their theme verse. “Come unto me all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your soul.” Claire's goal for each retreat weekend is to allow the Holy Spirit to help us find rest for our soul as we learn and dwell in His presence.

Cost: $200, $100 non-refundable deposit due September 9, 2024.  Remaining balance due September 22, 2024.

We will be renting a beach house in the Surfside Beach area and will carpool to the location.

Please Note: There are no private rooms.  You will have to share a room with multiple women.  We will try to put you with roommates you request but cannot guarantee it.

Space is limited.  Register today!!

Register Now

About the Host:

Claire Darnell of Breathe Ministries

     In 2006, my family of 7 moved from Jackson, Georgia to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in order for my husband to serve as the children’s pastor for Myrtle Beach Community Church. Since our marriage in May, 1988, my husband Keith and I had served in full-time ministry in the church as well as in our original first love, camp ministry. During this time of new beginnings at the beach, the women’s ministry with retreats began.

     A friend of mine from our church we had just left in Georgia came to visit and said that many of our friends would also love to visit the beach. I told her to get the women to come, and I would get a house for us to rent to hang out together. We started that October and they have been coming every October since then.

     As each year progressed, my former church in Georgia continued to come for our annual beach retreat and then, other nearby churches began requesting me to host a retreat for them. Now, 16 years later, a non-profit ministry, Breathe Ministries, has begun. This season, 13 retreats Have been booked and plans for more continue to come for next year.

     Breathe Ministry is an acronym for, “Be Real Everyday And Trust Him with Everything!” Matthew 11:28-29 is our theme verse. “Come unto me all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your soul.” My goal for each retreat weekend is to allow the Holy Spirit to help us find rest for our soul as we learn and dwell in His presence.

     God prepared me way in advance to host retreats as I grew up as the 8th of 11 children and learned to feed lots of people. My extended family every summer goes on vacation together as a tradition my grandparents started back in 1957. We rented 13 houses last summer and had at least 136 people in attendance throughout the week. The Lord continues to bless us as we are fruitful and multiplying. You know the Lord has to be in it or that many family members would not want to be together for an entire week.

    As this retreat season continues, I am still teaching fifth grade as an elementary school teacher (33 years) and am continuing to enjoy my time with my family. Time with my 5 children and their families is so precious to me, especially the time I have with my 6 grandchildren who call me Mama Claire. I have promised the Lord I will never take this ministry for granted and will continue to say yes to any opportunity to do this ministry that He gives me.

Tags: retreat

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