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Broken Wall Community Church (Baltimore, MD)

Missions and Outreach

OFBC is partnered with The Broken Wall Community Church located in West Baltimore, MD. Pastor Ron Willoughby leads a team of missionaries to reach their community for Christ through serving. The Broken Wall Community Church believes that the school is the hub of the community and a natural gathering place for families.  For this reason, they have committed to partnering with and investing their time and resources into one of their community’s schools, North Bend Elementary Middle School.  

Our goal is to send a team two to three times a year.  One of the trips each year will be helping teachers and staff at North Bend Elementary Middle School get ready for the new school year.

OFBC Baltimore Lead: David McAlhaney

Please let us know if you are interested in going on a future trip.

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Not Sure Where to Serve?

God has uniquely equipped you to be a vital part of the Body of Christ in the world and the body of believers here at Old Fort! If you don't know where you could get involved, please reach out to us. We're here to help.

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Serve with our new after-school program

Greater Things is looking for teachers and volunteers to work with our students in the afternoons. If you have any time during an afternoon or two, our students could benefit from having someone listen to them read aloud, call out their spelling words, or just share the love of Christ. Mrs. McDonald would love to have a cup of coffee with you and talk about it!


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